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Set point weight theory

What is the set point weight theory?

How do we know if we are within the range?

How does this relate to period loss?

What is the set point theory?

Set point theory was developed in 1982 and basically means the weight your body feels comfortable at and functions best at which is determined by your DNA, lifestyle, hormones and environmental factors.

This weight is more of a range, than a number set in stone and can fluctuate by a few lbs.

The set point theory suggests that your weight may go up or down temporarily, but will ultimately will return to its set range it is happy at.

When we try to lose weight, our body fights to maintain the higher set point weight by slowing down metabolism and basically goes into survival mode.

This is why 95% diets fail. Often people lose weight on a diet to start, but then it halts and plateaus or you end up gaining weight back, because your body adjusts your metabolism to keep you at the preferred weight.

When we are restricting the body of fuel, our metabolism down-regulates, our thyroid decreases and your hunger hormone Ghrelin increases.

Set weight ranges can change throughout life as you grow and age. They are not set in stone forever. Your body may feel the need to hold onto weight more as you age for example or carry weight differently or after child birth.

How do we know we have reached 'set point weight'?

When our body is functioning optimally, our period is regular, we don't need to control and obsess about our weight, it is effortless to maintain weight, we don't binge eat or restrict, our life isn't controlled by food or compensatory exercise...this is likely your set point range.

I would add that just because you have your period back, or have a regular period, you may still not be at your set point range.

We are at our set point range when we live life unrestrictedly and your weight becomes stable.

How does this relate to HA period recovery?

Usually when we lose our period due to HA (hypothalamic amenorrhea), we are trying to squeeze ourself into a smaller body and we are trying to control our weight. A weight our body isn't happy at currently.

Currently it is a lot of effort to maintain this size which you are constantly fighting your body everyday to be. Instead you could relax, trust and let your body find its natural set point range and take the stress off you physically and mentally. Harder than it sounds I know (this is why I support women and teenagers with regaining their periods).



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