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On Demand Access

Limited time on-demand access to webinar incase you missed your chance to sign up the first time round to watch it Live.


Please note, I have a Beyond Recovery coaching aspect that is not mentioned in this webinar.


If/when you get your period back during my coaching program, we can dive into the Beyond Recovery program which includes:


💜Maintenance - Keeping you on track to enure regular periods.

💜Manage - Learning to alleviate PMS and problematic periods.

💜Mindset - Ensure you are mentally recovered and coaching through any lasting things that are hoding you back.

💜Movement - Learning the right way to add exercise back in after the recommended 3 months.

💜Mindfulness - Mindful practices like breathwork for stress relief.

💜Maximize - Tracking ovulation PDF to refer to.

💜Magic - Gift sent to you!

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